

It is said that Ginkgo biloba plants are one of the oldest trees of the world, almost everything is extinct in the Ice Age, and only the ginkgo remains is present.
It is designated as “living fossil” “endangered species I B”.
It is safe to eat if it is adequate, but raw or roasted is toxic, so you need attention.


Carnation is widely known as a flower to present to her mother in “May Mother ‘s Day” in May of Japan.
The flower language of carnation in general is “innocent love”.
The red flower is “Love for Mother”. Pink flowers are “female love” “enthusiasm” “beautiful gesture”.
White flowers are “pure love” “My love is alive.”
Yellow flowers are “contempt”. Purple flowers are “pride” “elegance”.

SAKURA(cherry blossoms)


It is commonly known as a symbol of Japan.
Bloom in spring, its beauty impresses the hearts of people around the world.

This is easy to do the last assembly if made with slightly rough paper.
It’s slippery and difficult to assemble if it’s slippery paper with less friction.