privacy policy

Personal Information We May Collect
“Personal Information” is information that identifies you as an individual, such as:
・User Name
・Postal Adress(including billing and shopping addresses)
・Telephone number (including home and mobile phone number )
・Email address
・Credit and debit card number
・Profile picture
・Social media account ID
・Country of residence

In some cases, we may use a third party payment service to process purchase and/or collect donations made through the Sites. In these cases, your Personal Information may be collected by this third party and not by us, will be subject to the third party’s privacy policy rather than this Privacy Policy.
We have no control over, and are not responsible for, this party’s use or disclosure of your Personal Information.

Cross-border transfer
Your Personal Information may be stored in any country where we have facilities or service providers, and by using our Sites you consent to the transfer of information to our countries outside of your country of residence, including the United States, which may provide for different data protection rules than in your country.